Dead Man's Gun was a western anthology series that ran on Showtime from 1997 to 1999. The series followed the travels of a gun as it passed to a new character in each episode. The gun would change the life of whomever possessed it. Each episode was narrated by Kris Kristofferson. The executive producer was Henry Winkler.
Season 1
Season 2
The Judgement of Joe Dean Bonner Ties That Bind Sheep's Clothing Winner Takes All Sisters of Mercy Hangman The Collector The Trapper The Mimsers The Pinkerton Seven Deadly Sins The Ripper The Regulator The Womanizer Sleepwalker Four of a Kind The Oath The Good Chef The Vine Bad Boys The Phrenologist A Just Reward
The Judgement of Joe Dean Bonner Ties That Bind Sheep's Clothing Winner Takes All Sisters of Mercy Hangman The Collector The Trapper The Mimsers The Pinkerton Seven Deadly Sins The Ripper The Regulator The Womanizer Sleepwalker Four of a Kind The Oath The Good Chef The Vine Bad Boys The Phrenologist A Just Reward