An Australian educational comedy television series based on the American series (and earlier web series) of the same name. In each episode, an inebriated celebrity struggles to recount a historical event, while actors reconstruct and enact the narrator's anecdotes while lip syncing the dialogue.
Season 0
Season 1
Dame Nellie Melba/Burke and Wills The Cannibal Convicts/Beryl Mills - The First Miss Australia Waltzing Matilda/The Dawn Fraser Heist The Dismissal of Gough Whitlam/Emu Wars Abe Saffron aka Mr Sin/The Female Bushranger Mary Ann Bugg The Story of Don Bradman/Australia's First Female Detective
Dame Nellie Melba/Burke and Wills The Cannibal Convicts/Beryl Mills - The First Miss Australia Waltzing Matilda/The Dawn Fraser Heist The Dismissal of Gough Whitlam/Emu Wars Abe Saffron aka Mr Sin/The Female Bushranger Mary Ann Bugg The Story of Don Bradman/Australia's First Female Detective