Twin Spica is a Japanese seinen manga series written and illustrated by Kou Yaginuma. The "realistic, slice-of-life science fiction series" tells the story of a group of Japanese high school students training to become astronauts in the early 21st century after the country's first human spaceflight launch ends in a disaster that causes many civilian casualties. It was serialized in the seinen manga magazine Comic Flapper from September 2001 to August 2009 and was later published in 16 tankōbon volumes by Media Factory from January 2002 to October 2009.
Season 1
Launching Fireworks Asumi's Dream One Step Toward the Stars Memory of a Distant Day My Mother's Face Test Complete Space School Entrance Ceremony One Person's Dream, Everyone's Dream Campanella's Forest Even Under Water, There is Space Wounded Wings Our Star, the Leaf Star The Promised Five Sad, Smiling Face All Alone Asumi`s Cherry Tree Survival Training Marika & Marika What You Can Do Now Look for Tomorrow
Launching Fireworks Asumi's Dream One Step Toward the Stars Memory of a Distant Day My Mother's Face Test Complete Space School Entrance Ceremony One Person's Dream, Everyone's Dream Campanella's Forest Even Under Water, There is Space Wounded Wings Our Star, the Leaf Star The Promised Five Sad, Smiling Face All Alone Asumi`s Cherry Tree Survival Training Marika & Marika What You Can Do Now Look for Tomorrow