Chris Moyles' Quiz Night is a British television comedy panel game show, presented by Chris Moyles. The show was originally shown on Channel 4 at 10 p.m. on Sundays and repeated on Mondays at 11 p.m. It included three rounds in which he took on three celebrity contestants in a quiz where the prize was an item from his own home. As he was also competing, the questions were asked by a celebrity quiz master. The series has an all-female house band present in the studio who played the title music.
Season 0
Season 1
Season 2
Season 3
Season 4
Season 5
Jeremy Clarkson, Katherine Jenkins, Jason Manford Vic Reeves, Tulisa, Emma Bunton Frank Skinner, Alesha Dixon, Jeff Stelling John Barrowman, Jimmy Carr, Pixie Lott James Corden, Olly Murs, Louie Spence (Christmas Special) John Bishop, Ruth Jones, Jason Derulo Gok Wan, Dappy, Amir Khan John Barrowman, JLS, Alesha Dixon
Jeremy Clarkson, Katherine Jenkins, Jason Manford Vic Reeves, Tulisa, Emma Bunton Frank Skinner, Alesha Dixon, Jeff Stelling John Barrowman, Jimmy Carr, Pixie Lott James Corden, Olly Murs, Louie Spence (Christmas Special) John Bishop, Ruth Jones, Jason Derulo Gok Wan, Dappy, Amir Khan John Barrowman, JLS, Alesha Dixon