The Jean Arthur Show is an American situation comedy that aired on CBS from September to December 1966. The series stars Jean Arthur and Ron Harper, and was under the primary sponsorship of General Foods.
Season 1
Lament of a Horse Player My Client, the Rooster Blackstone, Italian Style The Lady or the Tiger Rich Man, Poor Man Did Clarence Darrow Start This Way? The Friendly Speed Trap Rocky, Take a Letter A Slight Case of Music With This Hood, I Thee Wed Along Came a Spider The Lady and the Gangster
Lament of a Horse Player My Client, the Rooster Blackstone, Italian Style The Lady or the Tiger Rich Man, Poor Man Did Clarence Darrow Start This Way? The Friendly Speed Trap Rocky, Take a Letter A Slight Case of Music With This Hood, I Thee Wed Along Came a Spider The Lady and the Gangster