Fukuhara Kouta is a college student who has bad luck that causes problems everywhere he goes. One day, he runs into Shinomiya Naoya, a fellow student with the opposite problem - super good luck. Shinomiya decides to help him out. Now, in order to divide the luck between them, they need to be with each other all the time.
Season 1
Mr Unlucky has no choice but to kiss! Mr Unlucky has no choice but to date on Saturday! Mr Unlucky has no choice but to also date on Sunday! Mr Unlucky has no choice but to live together! Mr Unlucky has no choice but to fall in love! Mr Unlucky has no choice but to confess! Mr Unlucky has no choice but to become lovers! Mr Unlucky has no choice but to be happy!
Mr Unlucky has no choice but to kiss! Mr Unlucky has no choice but to date on Saturday! Mr Unlucky has no choice but to also date on Sunday! Mr Unlucky has no choice but to live together! Mr Unlucky has no choice but to fall in love! Mr Unlucky has no choice but to confess! Mr Unlucky has no choice but to become lovers! Mr Unlucky has no choice but to be happy!