The Bing Crosby Show is a 28-episode situation comedy television program starring crooner, film star, iconic phenomenon, and businessman Bing Crosby and actress Beverly Garland as a middle-aged couple, Bing and Ellie Collins, rearing two teenaged daughters during the early 1960s. In the format, Crosby portrayed a former entertainer turned architectural designer with a penchant for singing, and each episode usually contained at least one song. Produced by Crosby's own company, affiliated with Desilu Studios and subsequently CBS Paramount Television, the series aired on ABC from September 14, 1964, to April 19, 1965. Rebroadcasts continued until June 14. The roles of the daughters Janice and Joyce Collins were played by Carol Faylen and Diane Sherry, respectively. Top Warner Bros. character actor Frank McHugh appeared as Willie Walters, the Collins's live-in handyman. Christopher Riordan and Pamela Austin appeared twice on the program, Riordan as an unnamed "Neighbor" and Austin as Clarissa Roberts. Guest stars included Herbert Anderson, Frankie Avalon, Jack Benny, Jimmy Boyd, Macdonald Carey, Vikki Carr, Dennis Day, Roger Ewing, Glenda Farrell, Joan Fontaine, Kathy Garver, George Gobel, Kathryn Grant, Pat Harrington, Jr., Phil Harris, Charles Lane, Nobu McCarthy, Gary Morton, Ken Murray, Lloyd Nolan, Ruth Roman, and James Shigeta.
Season 1
A Fine Romance Exactly Like Who? A Bit of Fresh Danish The Green Couch Hoop Shots Flashback The Education of Bing Collins The Dominant Male The Importance of Bea 'N' Willie The Liberated Woman Genius at Work The Yadwin Report title unknown The Christmas Show The Soft Life Bugged by the Love Bugs Are Parents People? That's the Way the Suki Yakies The Gifted Child The Image The Keefers Come Calling Operation Man Save One for the Birds Real Estate Venture The Test Moonlight Becomes You What's a Buddy For? Conform, Conform, Whoever You Are
A Fine Romance Exactly Like Who? A Bit of Fresh Danish The Green Couch Hoop Shots Flashback The Education of Bing Collins The Dominant Male The Importance of Bea 'N' Willie The Liberated Woman Genius at Work The Yadwin Report title unknown The Christmas Show The Soft Life Bugged by the Love Bugs Are Parents People? That's the Way the Suki Yakies The Gifted Child The Image The Keefers Come Calling Operation Man Save One for the Birds Real Estate Venture The Test Moonlight Becomes You What's a Buddy For? Conform, Conform, Whoever You Are