The Mighty B! is an American animated television series co-created by Amy Poehler, Cynthia True and Erik Wiese for Nickelodeon. The series centers on Bessie Higgenbottom, an ambitious Honeybee girl scout who believes she will become The Mighty B if she collects every Honeybee badge. Bessie lives in San Francisco with her single mother Hilary, brother Ben and dog Happy. Poehler provides the voice of Bessie, who is loosely based on a character Poehler played on the improvisational comedy troupes Second City and Upright Citizens Brigade.
Season 1
Season 2
Catatonic What's the Frequency Bessie? Bee Nice Dirty Happy Tour D'Alcatraz Hairy Situation Bee + 1 Bad to the Bee Hive of Darkness Mr. Turtleton's Wild Ride A Pirate's Life for B Awww-esome Dogcatcher in the Rye Rinx! Sleepless in San Francisco Higgenbottom's 7 Finger Pickin' Bad It's B's Party B-Chip Old Bee and the Sea One Million Years Bee.C. The Bone Identity Grumpy Old Bees Children of the Unicorn My Way or the Bee Way O Brother, What Art Thou? Stuffed Happens Gorillas in the Midst Space Evaders YiPs Public Enembee Bang the Drum Timely The League of Ordinary Gentlemen Irritable Bowling Syndrome Bess-E C'mon Get Happy!
Catatonic What's the Frequency Bessie? Bee Nice Dirty Happy Tour D'Alcatraz Hairy Situation Bee + 1 Bad to the Bee Hive of Darkness Mr. Turtleton's Wild Ride A Pirate's Life for B Awww-esome Dogcatcher in the Rye Rinx! Sleepless in San Francisco Higgenbottom's 7 Finger Pickin' Bad It's B's Party B-Chip Old Bee and the Sea One Million Years Bee.C. The Bone Identity Grumpy Old Bees Children of the Unicorn My Way or the Bee Way O Brother, What Art Thou? Stuffed Happens Gorillas in the Midst Space Evaders YiPs Public Enembee Bang the Drum Timely The League of Ordinary Gentlemen Irritable Bowling Syndrome Bess-E C'mon Get Happy!