In this new series, two years after Ginga's battle with Dark Lugiel ended, Hikaru and Tomoya joined the UPG (Ultra Party Guardians) after countless monster sightings appeared. Also, an Alien Chibu named Exceller plans to steal the Victorium Stone which believed to contained mysterious powers that located deep underground the Victorian civilization. Due to this, Shou, a Victorian Prince was sent by his mother to retrieve it with the help of Victory Lancer which enable him to become the ancient Ultra, Ultraman Victory.
Season 1
The Power to Open Up Ginga vs. Victory The Lone Warrior The Meaning of Strength Fellow and Devil The Forgotten Past Activate! Operation Magnewave Desperate Battle in the Sunrise A Life to Regain The Holy Sword of the Future Gan-Q's Tears Song for Ultraman Ginga Split! UPG Resurrection of Lugiel Adventure Called Life Battle for Tomorrow
The Power to Open Up Ginga vs. Victory The Lone Warrior The Meaning of Strength Fellow and Devil The Forgotten Past Activate! Operation Magnewave Desperate Battle in the Sunrise A Life to Regain The Holy Sword of the Future Gan-Q's Tears Song for Ultraman Ginga Split! UPG Resurrection of Lugiel Adventure Called Life Battle for Tomorrow