The Restless Gun is an American western television series that appeared on NBC between 1957 and 1959, with John Payne in the role of Vint Bonner, a wandering cowboy in the era after the American Civil War. A skilled gunfighter, Bonner is an idealistic person who prefers peaceful resolutions of conflict wherever possible. He is gregarious, intelligent, and public-spirited. The half-hour black-and-white program aired seventy-eight episodes. Jeanne Bates appeared in varying roles with Payne in five episodes of The Restless Gun. The Restless Gun theme song begins: "I ride with the wind, my eyes on the sun, and my hand on my restless gun..." The song composer is probably Paul Dunlap, credited as the primary series composer, but could have been contributed to by either of the two other series composers, Dave Kahn and Stanley Wilson, also. Two versions are currently posted on YouTube, but neither posting lists any composer or performance credits.
Season 0
Season 1
Season 2
The Hill of Death Dragon for a Day Mercyday Thunder Valley The Nowhere Kid Bonner's Squaw Tomboy Remember the Dead No Way to Kill Take Me Home Multiply One Boy Peligroso A Bell for Santo Domingo The Way Back The Painted Beauty Shadow of a Gunfighter The Lady and the Gun Blood of Courage Better Than A Cannon The Dead Ringer The Last Grey Man Melany Ricochet Dead Man's Hand The Sweet Sisters Incident at Bluefield The Pawn Four Lives One on the House Code for a Killer Mme. Brimstone Lady by Law Ride with the Devil A Trial for Jenny May The Cavis Boy The Englishman A Very Special Investigator
The Hill of Death Dragon for a Day Mercyday Thunder Valley The Nowhere Kid Bonner's Squaw Tomboy Remember the Dead No Way to Kill Take Me Home Multiply One Boy Peligroso A Bell for Santo Domingo The Way Back The Painted Beauty Shadow of a Gunfighter The Lady and the Gun Blood of Courage Better Than A Cannon The Dead Ringer The Last Grey Man Melany Ricochet Dead Man's Hand The Sweet Sisters Incident at Bluefield The Pawn Four Lives One on the House Code for a Killer Mme. Brimstone Lady by Law Ride with the Devil A Trial for Jenny May The Cavis Boy The Englishman A Very Special Investigator
The Restless Gun
Year: 1959
United States of America
John Payne