Den-noh Coil, Coil — A Circle of Children, is a Japanese science fiction anime television series depicting a near future where semi-immersive augmented reality technology has just begun to enter the mainstream. The series takes place in the fictional city of Daikoku, a hotbed of AR development with an emerging city-wide virtual infrastructure. It follows a group of children as they use AR glasses to unravel the mysteries of the half real, half Internet city, using a variety of illegal software tools, techniques, and virtual pets to manipulate the digital landscape. Den-noh Coil, in development for over a decade, is the series director debut of Japanese animator Mitsuo Iso. It premiered on NHK Educational TV on May 12, 2007. Due to the animators involved in its production and its unusually high-profile television broadcast time slot, Den-noh Coil was highly anticipated.
Season 0
Season 1
The Children with Glasses COIL Cyber Detective Agency Yuko and Yuko Daikoku City Heike Club The Metabug Scramble Bus Tour The Red Automaton In Action!! The COIL Detective Agency The Summer Festival and a Duel Michiko-san from the Other Side Kanna's Diary Sunken! Daikoku City Daichi Grows Hair The Last Plesiosaur Record of a Living Being The Young Boy Beyond the Station Isako's Hospital Room The Final Summer Vacation The Door to Another World The Dark Visitors Kanna and Yasako The Dark Automaton The Final COIL The Granted Wish The Children Who Throw Away Their Glasses The Kanazawa City Hazama Intersection Yasako and Isako
The Children with Glasses COIL Cyber Detective Agency Yuko and Yuko Daikoku City Heike Club The Metabug Scramble Bus Tour The Red Automaton In Action!! The COIL Detective Agency The Summer Festival and a Duel Michiko-san from the Other Side Kanna's Diary Sunken! Daikoku City Daichi Grows Hair The Last Plesiosaur Record of a Living Being The Young Boy Beyond the Station Isako's Hospital Room The Final Summer Vacation The Door to Another World The Dark Visitors Kanna and Yasako The Dark Automaton The Final COIL The Granted Wish The Children Who Throw Away Their Glasses The Kanazawa City Hazama Intersection Yasako and Isako
Den-noh Coil
Animation, Sci-Fi & Fantasy
Year: 2007
Japan, United States of America