The story follows a team of pirate mercenaries known as the Lagoon Company, that smuggles goods in and around the seas of Southeast Asia in the early to mid 1990s. Their base of operations is located in the fictional harbor city of Roanapur in southeast Thailand near the border of Cambodia.
Season 0
Season 1
The Black Lagoon Mangrove Heaven Ring-Ding Ship Chase Die Rückkehr des Adlers Eagle Hunting and Hunting Eagles Moonlit Hunting Grounds Calm Down, Two Men Rasta Blasta Maid to Kill The Unstoppable Chambermaid Lock 'n Load Revolution Guerrillas in the Jungle The Vampire Twins Comen Bloodsport Fairytale Swan Song at Dawn Greenback Jane The Roanapur Freakshow Circus Mr. Benny's Good Fortune Fujiyama Gangsta Paradise The Succession Two Father's Little Soldier Girls The Dark Tower Snow White's Payback The Gunslingers
The Black Lagoon Mangrove Heaven Ring-Ding Ship Chase Die Rückkehr des Adlers Eagle Hunting and Hunting Eagles Moonlit Hunting Grounds Calm Down, Two Men Rasta Blasta Maid to Kill The Unstoppable Chambermaid Lock 'n Load Revolution Guerrillas in the Jungle The Vampire Twins Comen Bloodsport Fairytale Swan Song at Dawn Greenback Jane The Roanapur Freakshow Circus Mr. Benny's Good Fortune Fujiyama Gangsta Paradise The Succession Two Father's Little Soldier Girls The Dark Tower Snow White's Payback The Gunslingers