Cowboy in Africa was an American Broadcasting Company television series produced during 1967-1968 by Ivan Tors and featuring Chuck Connors as the main actor. A 1966 television pilot show featuring Hugh O'Brian as Jim Sinclair, made into a movie and released to cinemas, was named Africa - Texas Style.
Season 1
The New World Kifaru! Kifaru! Incident at Derati Wells What's an Elephant Mother to Do? Search for Survival Stone Age Safari The Adopted One Fang and Claw The Time of the Predator Lake Sinclair Tomorrow on the Wind Little Boy Lost The Man Who Has Everything To Build a Beginning The Hesitant Hero African Rodeo (Part 1) African Rodeo (Part 2) First to Capture The Red Hand of Michael O'Neill The Quiet Death A Man of Value Search and Destroy Work of Art John Henry's Eden The Lions The Kasubi Death
The New World Kifaru! Kifaru! Incident at Derati Wells What's an Elephant Mother to Do? Search for Survival Stone Age Safari The Adopted One Fang and Claw The Time of the Predator Lake Sinclair Tomorrow on the Wind Little Boy Lost The Man Who Has Everything To Build a Beginning The Hesitant Hero African Rodeo (Part 1) African Rodeo (Part 2) First to Capture The Red Hand of Michael O'Neill The Quiet Death A Man of Value Search and Destroy Work of Art John Henry's Eden The Lions The Kasubi Death