The series follows the lives and loves of three 30-something professionals in modern day Athens. Elli (Faidra Douka) is a junior executive in a record company, having to deal with a highly demanding bitch-of-a-boss. Following the end of a serious relationship, Elli is worried about never having a chance to marry or have kids. Her search for new partners mostly results in the entry of weirdos in her life. Mitsaki (Mirto Alikaki) is a radio producer with a love-hate-relationship with her own boss. A life-long party girl with a tendency towards short-lived relationships and an aversion to taking any short of responsibility, Mitsaki has to come to grips with the idea of growing up. Billy (Giorgos Pyrpassopoulos) is a reporter with a rather unsteady love-life. He is a homosexual, but tends to be turned-off by the quirks of his various partners and has yet to fully commit to a relationship.
Season 1
Tha se kano vasilissa Ego gourouni? Sousi kai aidies Krisi panikou Den pas gia psarema? Sklavoi tou life style Sta gipeda i Ellada anastenazei To deftero imihrono I agapi tha mas kanei kommatia Tou poiotikou Tou emporikou Mary Poppins Ton Grammaton Kai Ton Teknon Odiki Boithia Mamma Mia Mono Filoi Hearts in Athens Tis Aristeras kai tis Proodoy Metrosexual O Polemos tou Kolpou Megala Zoria Ftou Xelefteria Oso Me pligoneis, toso me poroneis I Zoi Exei Plaka Oli lene s'agapo Yperoxa Plasmata
Tha se kano vasilissa Ego gourouni? Sousi kai aidies Krisi panikou Den pas gia psarema? Sklavoi tou life style Sta gipeda i Ellada anastenazei To deftero imihrono I agapi tha mas kanei kommatia Tou poiotikou Tou emporikou Mary Poppins Ton Grammaton Kai Ton Teknon Odiki Boithia Mamma Mia Mono Filoi Hearts in Athens Tis Aristeras kai tis Proodoy Metrosexual O Polemos tou Kolpou Megala Zoria Ftou Xelefteria Oso Me pligoneis, toso me poroneis I Zoi Exei Plaka Oli lene s'agapo Yperoxa Plasmata