The Law & Harry McGraw is an American mystery crime drama television series created by Peter S. Fischer and a spin-off of Murder, She Wrote. The series stars Jerry Orbach as a Harry McGraw, a loudmouthed, uncouth, old school private detective who continually finds himself solving mysteries on behalf of the prim and proper attorney Ellie Maginnis who has an office across the hall.
Season 1
Dead Men Don't Make Phone Calls Murder By a Landslide Mr. Chapman, I Presume The Fallen Arrow Rappaport is Back in Town She's Not Wild About Harry Angela's Secret Solve It Again, Harry State of the Art Yankee Boodle Dandy Old Heroes Die Hard Gilhooley's is History Beware the Ides of May Waiting Game Harry Does the Hustle Maginnis for the People
Dead Men Don't Make Phone Calls Murder By a Landslide Mr. Chapman, I Presume The Fallen Arrow Rappaport is Back in Town She's Not Wild About Harry Angela's Secret Solve It Again, Harry State of the Art Yankee Boodle Dandy Old Heroes Die Hard Gilhooley's is History Beware the Ides of May Waiting Game Harry Does the Hustle Maginnis for the People