Fantastic Voyage is an American animated science fiction TV series based on the famous 1966 film directed by Richard Fleischer. The series consists of 17 episodes each running 30 minutes. It was run on ABC-TV from September 14, 1968 through January 4, 1969. The series was produced by Filmation Associates in association with 20th Century Fox. It was later shown in reruns on Sci Fi Channel's Cartoon Quest. The complete series was released as a 3-disc DVD set in the United Kingdom by Revelation Films on November 21, 2011. However, in the United States, there are currently no plans to release the series on DVD and/or Blu-ray Disc from 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment.
Season 1
Gathering of the Team The Menace from Space The Magic Crystal of Kabala The Atomic Invaders The Master Spy The Mind of the Master Gone Today, Here Tomorrow The Day the Food Disappeared Revenge of the Spy The Hobby House The Spy Satellite First Men on the Moon The Great Busby The Barnacle Bombs The Perfect Crime The World's Fair Affair The Most Dangerous Game
Gathering of the Team The Menace from Space The Magic Crystal of Kabala The Atomic Invaders The Master Spy The Mind of the Master Gone Today, Here Tomorrow The Day the Food Disappeared Revenge of the Spy The Hobby House The Spy Satellite First Men on the Moon The Great Busby The Barnacle Bombs The Perfect Crime The World's Fair Affair The Most Dangerous Game