The Adventures of Paddington Bear was a Canadian/French animated children's television series. It was based on the book Paddington Bear by Michael Bond and written by Bruce Robb. It was produced by Cinar and Protecrea and ran for 117 episodes. The show aired in the United States on the Cookie Jar Toons block on This TV from November 2008 - August 2009. However, all CINAR references in these broadcasts have been replaced by Cookie Jar references. It was also shown on HBO.
Season 1
Season 2
Season 3
Paddington Takes a Cut Anchors Away Paddington Passes Through What's Going on at Number 32? Paddington at the Stone Garden Trouble in the Bargain Basement Paddington Clocks In Paddington goes Swiss A Day by the Sea A House-Training Dare Devil Bear Paddington the Rock Star The Amazing Paddington Pirates Paddington the Host The Great Escape The Paddington Files Paddington the Surveyor Mr. Curry's Birthday Bash Paddington and the Loch Ness Monster Copybear Paddington gets his Money's Worth Drive Bear Drive Paddington Delivers the Goods Paddington the Tour Guide April Fools Superstitious Paddington The Spy who Loved Marmalade Paddington at Wimbledon Paddington in the Park One Bear's Treasure A Bear of Style A Night at the Opera Paddington the Babysitter Paddington on the Orient Express Paddington and the Frog Doom The Royal Tour Gold Rush Paddington Paddington Calls the Shots
Paddington Takes a Cut Anchors Away Paddington Passes Through What's Going on at Number 32? Paddington at the Stone Garden Trouble in the Bargain Basement Paddington Clocks In Paddington goes Swiss A Day by the Sea A House-Training Dare Devil Bear Paddington the Rock Star The Amazing Paddington Pirates Paddington the Host The Great Escape The Paddington Files Paddington the Surveyor Mr. Curry's Birthday Bash Paddington and the Loch Ness Monster Copybear Paddington gets his Money's Worth Drive Bear Drive Paddington Delivers the Goods Paddington the Tour Guide April Fools Superstitious Paddington The Spy who Loved Marmalade Paddington at Wimbledon Paddington in the Park One Bear's Treasure A Bear of Style A Night at the Opera Paddington the Babysitter Paddington on the Orient Express Paddington and the Frog Doom The Royal Tour Gold Rush Paddington Paddington Calls the Shots