The story of the battles between the 3 related families Kishu, Mito, and Owari, as each vies for the shogun’s seat in the line of succession. Highlighting the series are many fights between the young lord’s Negoro ninja helpers and their mortal enemies, the Koga ninja. History comes alive with the bloody blades of the three families at war within the highest levels of government as the search for a new shogun continues!
Season 1
The Tiger of Kishu! The Glorious Reunion of Father and Son The 30,000 Ryo Bet in Yoshiwara Blood Sprays on Mito Highway A Flower Falls in Kyoto The Great Explosion! Duel on the Cliff Ninja Against Ninja! Owari's Twister Intrigue Swirl's! Lords Assassinated A Trap is Set in O'oku, A Tragic Love Affair Yoshimune Rises Against the Owari-Mito Forces! The Attack at Jigoku Valley! Severe Earthquake! Seat of the Eighth Shogun The Last Great Battle
The Tiger of Kishu! The Glorious Reunion of Father and Son The 30,000 Ryo Bet in Yoshiwara Blood Sprays on Mito Highway A Flower Falls in Kyoto The Great Explosion! Duel on the Cliff Ninja Against Ninja! Owari's Twister Intrigue Swirl's! Lords Assassinated A Trap is Set in O'oku, A Tragic Love Affair Yoshimune Rises Against the Owari-Mito Forces! The Attack at Jigoku Valley! Severe Earthquake! Seat of the Eighth Shogun The Last Great Battle