Droopy, Master Detective is an American animated television series produced by Hanna-Barbera in association with Turner Entertainment. The show is a spin-off from Tom & Jerry Kids and was dropped from Fox's Saturday morning schedule on January 1, 1994. Months later, the series was aired on weekday afternoons in August and September 1994.
Season 1
Droopy's Deep Sea Mystery How Can We Miss You If You Won't Go Away? Droopy and the Case of the Missing Dragon The Babyman Bank Heists Dweeble's Night Out The Deep Space Chase Round 'Em Up Bub A Screwball Romance The Case of the Snooty Star The Monster Mob Everybody Out Sherlock Droopy Queen of the Mutant Weirdo Vampires Screwball Snowballs Shadowman and the Blue Pigeon Dueling Detectives Squirrelicus Obnoxiousness Sherlock Droopy Gets Hounded Droopy and the Cyberdolts Pickax Max Hey! Where's Arnold? Auntie Snoople Demolition Disorder Mushu McWolf Return of the Yolker A Chip Off the Old Blockhead Mighty McWolf Sheep Thrills Screwball Out West The Maltese Fossil Deep Swamp Droopy Dog Breath Dweeble Hogs Wild The Case of Pierre le Poulet Commotion on the Ocean Alligator Droopy Primeval Prey Dweeble's Worst Nightmare Battle of the Super Squirrels
Droopy's Deep Sea Mystery How Can We Miss You If You Won't Go Away? Droopy and the Case of the Missing Dragon The Babyman Bank Heists Dweeble's Night Out The Deep Space Chase Round 'Em Up Bub A Screwball Romance The Case of the Snooty Star The Monster Mob Everybody Out Sherlock Droopy Queen of the Mutant Weirdo Vampires Screwball Snowballs Shadowman and the Blue Pigeon Dueling Detectives Squirrelicus Obnoxiousness Sherlock Droopy Gets Hounded Droopy and the Cyberdolts Pickax Max Hey! Where's Arnold? Auntie Snoople Demolition Disorder Mushu McWolf Return of the Yolker A Chip Off the Old Blockhead Mighty McWolf Sheep Thrills Screwball Out West The Maltese Fossil Deep Swamp Droopy Dog Breath Dweeble Hogs Wild The Case of Pierre le Poulet Commotion on the Ocean Alligator Droopy Primeval Prey Dweeble's Worst Nightmare Battle of the Super Squirrels