The 20th Century Fox Hour is an American drama anthology series televised in the United States on CBS from 1955 to 1957. Some of the shows in this series were restored, remastered and shown on the Fox Movie Channel in 2002 under the title Hour of Stars. The season one episode Overnight Haul, starring Richard Conte and Lizabeth Scott, was released in Australia as a feature film.
Season 1
Season 2
Child of the Regiment Stranger in the Night The Money Maker Smoke Jumpers The Last Patriarch Men Against Speed Operation Cicero End of a Gun False Witness Springfield Incident Man of the Law City in Flames Deadline Decision The Still Trumpet Men in Her Life Deep Water The Great American Hoax Threat to a Happy Ending The Marriage Broker
Child of the Regiment Stranger in the Night The Money Maker Smoke Jumpers The Last Patriarch Men Against Speed Operation Cicero End of a Gun False Witness Springfield Incident Man of the Law City in Flames Deadline Decision The Still Trumpet Men in Her Life Deep Water The Great American Hoax Threat to a Happy Ending The Marriage Broker