Utena is a tomboyish school girl who attends the prestigious Ohtori Academy. Her strong sense of chivalry pulls her into a series of duels with other members of the Student Council for the possession of the Rose Bride.
Season 1
The Rose Bride For Whom the Rose Smiles On the Night of the Ball The Sunlit Garden - Prelude The Sunlit Garden - Finale Take Care, Miss Nanami! Unfulfilled Juri Curried High Trip The Castle Said to Hold Eternity Nanami's Precious Thing Gracefully Cruel - The One Who Picks That Flower For Friendship, Perhaps Tracing a Path The Boys of the Black Rose The Landscape Framed by Kozue The Cowbell of Happiness The Thorns of Death Mitsuru's Impatience A Song for a Kingdom Now Lost Wakaba Flourishing Vermin Nemuro Memorial Hall The Terms of a Duelist The Secret Nanami Diary Their Eternal Apocalypse Miki's Nest Box (The Sunlit Garden - Arranged) Nanami's Egg Whispers in the Dark Azure Paler Than the Sky The Barefoot Girl Her Tragedy The Romance of the Dancing Girls The Prince Who Runs Through the Night The Rose Crest The Love That Blossomed in Wintertime And Thus Opens the Doorway of Night The One to Revolutionize the World End of the World And Someday, Together, We'll Shine
The Rose Bride For Whom the Rose Smiles On the Night of the Ball The Sunlit Garden - Prelude The Sunlit Garden - Finale Take Care, Miss Nanami! Unfulfilled Juri Curried High Trip The Castle Said to Hold Eternity Nanami's Precious Thing Gracefully Cruel - The One Who Picks That Flower For Friendship, Perhaps Tracing a Path The Boys of the Black Rose The Landscape Framed by Kozue The Cowbell of Happiness The Thorns of Death Mitsuru's Impatience A Song for a Kingdom Now Lost Wakaba Flourishing Vermin Nemuro Memorial Hall The Terms of a Duelist The Secret Nanami Diary Their Eternal Apocalypse Miki's Nest Box (The Sunlit Garden - Arranged) Nanami's Egg Whispers in the Dark Azure Paler Than the Sky The Barefoot Girl Her Tragedy The Romance of the Dancing Girls The Prince Who Runs Through the Night The Rose Crest The Love That Blossomed in Wintertime And Thus Opens the Doorway of Night The One to Revolutionize the World End of the World And Someday, Together, We'll Shine