Goode Behavior is an American sitcom that premiered August 26, 1996 on UPN. The series was cancelled after its first season, airing its last episode on May 19, 1997, for a total of 23 episodes.
Season 0
Season 1
Goode Book Goode Together Goode Samaritan Goode Sport Goode Cause Goode Feelings Goode Hands Goode and Scared Goode and Fired Goode Book Goode Golly, Miss Molly Goode Grades Goode Sport Goode Lord Goode Stuff Goode Will Goode Lovin' The Goode, Bad and the Willie Goode Daddy Goode Music Goode Cop, Bad Cop The Only Goode Indian Goode Angel
Goode Book Goode Together Goode Samaritan Goode Sport Goode Cause Goode Feelings Goode Hands Goode and Scared Goode and Fired Goode Book Goode Golly, Miss Molly Goode Grades Goode Sport Goode Lord Goode Stuff Goode Will Goode Lovin' The Goode, Bad and the Willie Goode Daddy Goode Music Goode Cop, Bad Cop The Only Goode Indian Goode Angel